Security Center

We’re here to help you keep your personal information safe and secure.

Security Center

At Insight Credit Union, the security of member information is a priority. Every day, unscrupulous individuals are busy developing new scams targeting the unsuspecting public and one of the best ways to avoid fraud is to become an educated consumer. Our Security Center offers a variety of valuable materials regarding information security. Be sure to check back often as content is updated regularly.

Avoid Phone Scams

The chances of falling victim to fraud increase during the holidays. With telephone scams on the rise, you might be surprised to learn just how many actually make it to your cell phone. Scammers have figured out countless ways to cheat people out of their money over the phone. They may call or text you impersonating your bank, credit union fraud department, the government or a well-known company. Some even fake Caller ID profiles so you think the call is legitimate.

Never let yourself be pressured into giving information like your online banking login or password, your full Social Security number, PIN or even a one-time temporary passcode over the phone, especially during an unexpected call or in response to an unknow text message. Please be aware that we will never ask for certain information via the phone or email. Take a look at the list below to find the 10 things your bank will NEVER do.

We will never call or text you and ask for:

  • Your full account number
  • Your full social security number
  • Your full debit or credit card number
  • Your CVV number or PIN
  • You to perform a test transaction
  • You to text or email personal or banking information

We will never:

  • Ask you to authorize a transfer of funds to another account.
  • Ask you for your online banking password or security questions.
  • Provide banking services through a mobile app other than our official app.
  • Close your account for refusal to give the above information.

Protect Yourself

Here at Insight, we are continuously working to make sure you are protected and informed.  Here are a few steps you can take to protect yourself.

  • Don't be pressured into giving information over the phone. Keep personal information and passcodes private and never give it out during an unsolicited phone call.
  • Don't download any troubleshooting apps. They are likely to allow the fraudster to take over your device.
  • If you think a call might really be from your bank, insurance or credit card company, find their phone number on your statement or card and call that number.
  • Educate yourself about common scam practices. 
  • Some phone providers and many smartphones have call-blocking tools that will allow you to block calls from undesirable numbers. If you receive a scam call, block the number.

One of the most important things you can do is trust your instincts. If something feels wrong, please call us. We’re always happy to take the time to make sure you are protected. Because you matter, and we’re better together.

Additional Security Resources

Your Complete Guide to Secure Mobile Banking

5 Ways to Keep Your Credit Safe

Recovering After a Financial Disaster