Getting an auto loan is about more than just the right rate. It's also about having the right protection. Be ready for the unexpected and ensure you're covered in the event a mechanical breakdown occurs. With Mechanical Breakdown Protection from Route 66 Warranty, you can rest easy knowing you are covered.
Route 66 Warranty's Mechanical Breakdown Protection Plans are available for both new and pre-owned vehicles, and coverage is transferable if you sell your vehicle before your agreement expires pending added resale value.
Route 66 Warranty has a complete line of coverage designed to keep your vehicle on the road. No matter where you travel in the United States, Route 66 helps protect you against major mechanical expenses, and there is NO DEDUCTIBLE on covered parts and labor. There are different plan options to fit your vehicle needs and all come with Rental Car Allowance and 24/7 Emergency Roadside Service, including: towing, battery jump starting, lock-out service, flat tire assistance and minor adjustments.
It's that simple!