Personal Loans

Get the financial boost you need, when you need it most.

Personal Loans

When you need a loan for a single purpose, large or small, consider an Insight Credit Union personal loan. We'll write personal loans for as little as $500 up to $30,000. We also offer stock secured and share secured loans.

Our Credit Rebuilder Loan is great if you're looking to establish credit or need to repair it. And our Overdraft Line of Credit is a great fit for those looking to protect their checking account.

A personal loan from Insight Credit Union can get you secure the money you need, when you need it.

Applying for a Personal Loan is easy!

  • Already a member? Log into Insight Online to access your account and we’ll use the information already on file for your application. 
  • Not yet a member? Use the link above to register and provide your information to apply for membership, accounts, and loans.
  • Check Application Status! You can also check the status of submitted applications, or continue where you left off with an application already in progress.