Regular Share Savings

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Regular Share Savings Accounts

You can have any number of share savings accounts for a variety of purposes. Vacation. Holiday spending. You name it. Dividends are declared and paid quarterly for the previous quarter.

Savings Account Rates
Accounts Minimum A.P.Y.*
Regular Share Savings† $100 0.05%

Opening a Savings Account is easy!

  • Already a member? Log into Insight Online to access your account and we’ll use the information already on file for your application. 
  • Not yet a member? Use the link above to register and provide your information to apply for membership, accounts, and loans.
  • Check Application Status! You can also check the status of submitted applications, or continue where you left off with an application already in progress.

*A.P.Y. = Annual Percentage Yield. Dividends on regular shares, youth accounts, IRAs and money market accounts are accurate as of 07/14/2022. Indexed rates are based on the percentage above the dividend rate paid on certificate or share accounts. Fees may reduce earnings on accounts. Rates may change after accounts are opened and without notice. Call 407.426.6000 for recent rate changes. Dividends are paid at the end of each month.

†A monthly minimum balance fee may apply if the daily balance falls below $250.​